The word doula originates from Greece and means "female slave (or servant)".

doula services

Flourish into motherhoOD

Motherhood is a beautiful journey - you don't have to do it alone! I will care for you, walk with you, educate you, and offer you support so you can FLOURISH as an expectant and new mom!

This bundle starts at $1999+.

This is precious time to get to know one another. I am on this journey to offer you support in whichever way you define it. We will spend time talking about what support looks like to you, how I can serve you most effectively, and what it looks like to have me walking along side of you the entirety of your journey. I am with you every step of the way! 

meet & Greet

Let me surround you with a sense of calm and confidence so you can feel prepared and empowered, and find peace and joy in your upcoming birth experience. Pre-natal visits are tailored to what is most important for you and your partner to learn about.

pre-natal empowerment visits

I am here for you! Pregnancy and motherhood are hard and you don't have to do it alone! I will journey with you, encourage you, be a listening ear, and be available to answer any questions you have. Sometimes you just need a listening ear and an open heart - I will be that person for you. Nothing is off limits!

phone & text support 

Relax with a cup of tea and a beautiful pregnancy book or resource that I have created for mamas just like you! I have curated this vitality library that has everything you need in order to feel educated and supported during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum!

access to vitality library

I want to ensure that all your anxieties are at ease throughout your pregnancy, labour, and postpartum journeys! You will have access to my toolbox that has items in it that do just that! Fetal doppler, TENS machine, blood pressure monitor, and breast pump are a few of the items available for you.

pregnancy wellness rental 

From the moment you let me know things are happening, I will be by your side supporting you in whichever way you desire. I will hold space for you, cheer you on, encourage you, provide you with physical comfort measures, advocate for you, and offer your partner support. Before leaving your birthing space, I will ensure you are comfortable, nourished, and ready for some bonding time as a new family.

Labour & birth support 

Photographs are cherished memories and one way that I can capture the strength that is within you for you to look back on with pride for years to come. The edited photographs will arrive to your inbox within one week of your little one being born. 

Photographs of your birth experience

The support I offer you doesn't end after I leave the hospital when your baby is in your arms. Your postpartum season is full of transformation, healing, and adjusting - I will walk with you through it all. I want to know how you're doing - really doing postpartum, and offer you any support and resources you may need! 

postpartum visit 

Find community and connection with other mamas who are or have been in our care. You will have lifetime access to our private Facebook group to connect with other moms, learn from other moms, and receive support from other moms on your motherhood journey.

Hi Baby Wellness Mom's Community

Treat yourself mama! You are growing a miracle and that is no easy feat! Pamper yourself with some of my favourite local businesses. Feel the peace of relaxation and refreshment wash over you. 

flourish discount card

Frequently asked questions

Bundle Comparisons

1. Doulas seem like a lot of money...
I get it! It can seem like a lot of money, however there is so much value to having a doula not only for your birth, but to journey along with you throughout pregnancy. My job doesn't start and end the day you give birth. On average, I spend about 45 hours supporting my clients whether that is during prenatal visits, phone/ text support, creating your birth preferences, offering you labour, birth, and postpartum support, and everything in between. Think of it this way - if you are willing to spend $10,000+ on your wedding (one of the biggest days of your life), what is holding you back from spending less than $3000 on one of the most transformational seasons in your life?

2. How do I choose the right package for me?
If you are a first time parent looking for all the support and education you can get, if you are a busy working mom who doesn't have a lot of time, desiring extra postpartum support, or if you are hiring me early in your pregnancy, I would choose In This Together Bundle. If you are further along in your pregnancy or desire less postpartum support, I would choose Flourish Into Motherhood. There is no wrong decision - you are getting beautiful support either way!

3. Do you only offer services in Saskatoon?
If you are not local to the Saskatoon area, do not worry! I am happy to offer my services and support to you virtually.

4. Do you take insurance?
Most insurance plans do not offer coverage for doula services. However, some insurance companies allow you to submit doula services to your health spending account. Check with your insurance company to see if you may be covered.

5. How many due dates do you take per month? 
I take 5-7 due dates per month. In the event that I am at another birth or am sick, I will offer a backup doula in my place. But trust me, I will do everything in my power to be at your birth. Even if it means attending births back to back. 

6. My husband isn't on board with the idea of a doula. How can I convince him?
Oftentimes, I find that husband hesitation comes from a deeper place such as they feel their support alone isn't adequate, they don't want a doula judging them for the ways he supports his wife, or may feel as if a doula would step on his toes. None of which are true at all! I am there to support him, just as I am there to support you! Men interpret birth very differently so I encourage you to have a honest conversation with him and explain why you want a doula supporting you on your birth journey, your birth desires, and your feelings. I know he wants whats best for you! Booking a consultation with me is a great way for him to understand what I do and what support looks like. Please reach out!

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