Doula Care

A doula is a trained pregnancy and labour support person. My role is to provide you and your partner with education, emotional and physical support during pregnancy, labour, and childbirth. I am here to support you and your partner in whichever way you need; I am here as your advocate; I am here to provide you with comfort measures and pain management techniques to help you cope through labour. I am here to make you feel empowered in your journey to motherhood, whether this is your first baby, or fifth. 

What is a DoulA?

My approach also includes creating a safe space for the mother and her partner to labor together. There are many benefits to leaning on your partner during the labor process and it is a really beautiful thing to witness.

I have a laid-back approach during labor, meaning that I'm not 'in your face' or have my hands on you at all times. I sit back and observe how you cope with contractions, then base my techniques for caring for you on what I observe. Quite often that means giving you your personal space. Sometimes that means I'm on the bed with you giving you double hip squeezes. Every labor and mother is different so what I do for them varies.  

I believe the more preparation we can do during pregnancy can help prepare and ease the body into the labor and childbirth processes. This is why preparing physically and mentally for labor is critical. Breaking down the a blocks can help progress labor immensely. In my experience, mental blocks are the most common reason for a labor to not start or to stall once it does start. Pain control and labor progress is also vital during labor. Some techniques that I encourage include massage, acupressure, hydrotherapy, and position changes. 

My approach is to share research based tips and techniques for labor preparation. My approach includes reiterating to moms that they are loved, worthy, and capable to birth their baby.   

My approach to doula care

'I bring a non-judgmental attitude to every birth - it is not my place to judge your decisions, but rather support and encourage them.'

I want to support you, walk with you, and be an encouragement on your journey.

Please choose a bundle to learn more.


Flourish Into

A beautiful array of support for your pregnancy, birth, & postpartum journeys. 

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In This Together

Like two peas in a pod, enjoy the comfort of support throughout your entire journey.

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birth doula experiences...

Bundles Of Joy


Let's Be

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