Let’s Talk About…Preparing For Postpartum

Postpartum: the period of time just after delivery where you get to hold your baby, snuggle your baby, admire his or her beauty, get to know them, and so many other wonderful things

It is no secret that life with a new baby is magical!

But life with a new baby can be hard too. Your body is healing from the wonders of childbirth, your hormones are all over the place, your sleep schedule has been turned upside down, and you are now responsible for taking care of this new life.

Oftentimes families are so diligent on preparing for the birth of their baby that they forget about preparing for their postpartum period, which is equally or in some cases, more important. Which is why I’m opening this conversation up today! Please keep reading for some practical tips for planning for postpartum.

POstpartum joy


Baillie’s tips for preparing for postpartum…

-Get your essential supplies. Herbs and teas that promote healing, postpartum pads, stool softeners, and nipple butter are must haves!

-How are you going going to encourage healing (physical, mental, and emotional)?

-What is your plan for meals? The last thing you will want to do is cook! I recommend preparing some meals in advance that you can freeze. Aim for 40 meals ready to go in the freezer (40 may seem like a lot but just think how many meals you could get out of a big pot of chilli!).

-Covid aside, you are going to want to discuss with your partner what your guidelines are when it comes to visitors. Consider, what exactly are your guidelines and boundaries? Do you want visitors or do you want to have a lying-in period in which you don’t have anyone come over? If you decide you are willing to have visitors, be strict on your guidelines and don’t feel bad for having

boundaries in place.

-Who are your support people that you can call on 24/7 to give you a hand or a listening ear if you just need to cry? Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help.


I hope these tips help you in preparing for the beautiful season that is postpartum. Remember to give yourself lots of love, kindness, and grace as you journey onto this next season of life. 💕

P.S. All my clients receive my ‘Planning for Postpartum’ checklist but if you purchase my ‘Real Deal Doula Experience’, you will receive one Postpartum Planning Visit as a part of your package. That’s one-two whole hours of planning for your postpartum season!

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