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7 Questions to Ask a Potential Care Provider

January 7, 2022

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Choosing a care provider that will take care of you during your pregnancy and birth experience can be a daunting task for many moms-to-be. While your outcome and their outcome will be the same (a healthy mom and healthy baby), choosing a care provider that has the same birth philosophy as you, will support your […]

Let’s Talk About…Preparing For Postpartum

April 21, 2021

Postpartum: the period of time just after delivery where you get to hold your baby, snuggle your baby, admire his or her beauty, get to know them, and so many other wonderful things It is no secret that life with a new baby is magical! But life with a new baby can be hard too. […]

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POstpartum joy

Let’s Talk About…Delayed Cord Clamping

January 22, 2021

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Have you heard about delayed cord clamping? Delayed cord clamping is the practise in which the umbilical cord is not cut for at least one minute after the baby is born. However, the longer the cutting of the cord is delayed, the greater the benefits will be for your baby. Many mamas will choose to […]

Beautiful uncut umbilical cord